Netaudio Barcamp

cover for the netaudio barcamp event

time: 14:00-18:00 CET, 2. november, 2024
location: Dresden, Ljubljana &

hybrid netaudio barcamp

'music people before profit'


all times are CET (UTC+1)

moderators and organizers:

14.00welcome and introduction to Barcamp by Konrad, Luka, and Stoffel
new music platforms by Konrad
14.30Simon (12rec), Linn R. Friberg (Aurora Compilations), moderated by Luka
15.20Stoffel CC Player lecture
15.40Luka P.: #BeYourOwnPlatform presentation
16.00ps (enough records) and Douglas (blocSonic), moderated by Konrad
17.00open discussion
17:30conclusion/summary by Luka & Konrad

live stream:

see your event times for your timezone


The netaudio barcamp was an international hybrid networking meeting for artists and players in the field of contemporary music production. Via video conference and a meeting in the small hall of the Zentralwerk in Dresden, positions are brought to the podium that deal with strategies for the non-commercial distribution of music and sound productions. The Barcamp will present business models, question the work of collecting societies for musicians, discuss the attractiveness of using Creative Commons licenses and present new digital platforms for the independent distribution of music. The organizers are united by their many years of experience as operators of digital labels and their work as musicians who use these structures to find listeners worldwide. The consensus of the participants is to critically question the role models of the music industry with their unattractive business models for music styles beyond pop music.

Why now?

We think the time is right for a rethink, as a movement is forming in resistance to platform decay (aka enshittification), a movement which questions the dominance of commercial platforms for music producers. For many users like us, who mainly listen to music published under a Creative Commons license, the two-time sale of the actually very fair and practical platform was a decisive event. What happens if the service goes out of business or makes the conditions for distributing music more unfair? The change in the distribution policy at the platform spotify was another prominent example of how the power of platform operators has changed to the detriment of creatives.

Created with ❤︎ by and with support from clongclongmoo, Kamizdat/Emanat, Der kleine gruene Wuerfel, Zentralwerk (Dresden), PRETOK.TV and more...


[netlabels in early 00s and today] [significance of CreativeCommons today] [from 'download everything' to 'streaming everything'] [freedom (liberty/costlessness) between musicians and audience] [relevance of a netlabel (today)] [politics vs aesthetics ("listening to a licence")] [friends of ccmusic] [netlabelday] [FairTradeMusic/Friday: beyond Bandcamp: Mirlo, etc] [free/libre software server tools: FairCamp, FunkWhale, PeerTube...] [business, cooperative, collective, individual] [importance and pitfals of promotion] [#FediWave, #BonkBeat, FreeFediRadio and the rest of fediverse] [feminism(s) in netaudio] [SILOs and autonomy: Meta/GAFAM vs Fediverse] [BeYourOwnPlatform] [platform decay (enshittification)] [netlabel owners or/and community organizers] [decentralized network of netaudio initiatives]

Please stay tuned, more information to come!